Saturday, September 6, 2014

Maybe We Get Too Used To Being Alive (The Passing Of Joan Rivers)

(Deviating from the normal posts.. Stay with me.... or not. Don't be a bunch of sheep. Make your own choices!)

I hate how we only show care for people after they're gone.

We only love when we have lost.

Yet here I am. So unappreciative.

Joan Rivers understood that there should be no boundaries in comedy. Nothing is off-limits. Not even yourself. Even at 81, she wasn't a nostalgia act. Still legitimate, and as funny as ever. Extremely impressive. Most people lose it at some point. The others slowly fade. Not her.

What happened when she passed? What did we do when Robin Williams died?
We started caring. Suddenly everyone loved Robin Williams.

Did we before? Maybe.

Did we show it? No.

You couldn't log on to Twitter, or Facebook without hearing about these deaths. You couldn't watch CNN, Fox News, MSNBC or any nightly/morning news. Even they seemed to throw their political agendas aside to show love for Robin Williams and Joan Rivers.

I think it's safe to say that the public has never shown this much love for either one of them.

Why do we feel so much when people are gone? Maybe we get too used to being alive. I know that when I wake up tomorrow, everyone will still be here. That's not guaranteed, but very likely.

We don't care about anything until it's gone.

Example: I don't really care about my car much anymore. I'm thankful for it (and the deal I got on it) but most days I'm just reminded that I want a new one. What if I wake up tomorrow and my car doesn't work? I'll be willing to do anything to make it run.

Talk to any athlete or musician when they're past their prime. They'll talk about how it was the greatest time of their lives. But are we appreciative in the moment?

The moment has passed and we have to live with having taken it for granted.

What will they do with you when you die? They'll love you more than when you were around. Clearly, this is how we are wired. Wish it were different.

I sincerely hope they don't donate Joan's body to Tupperware, but damn it'd be hilarious if they did.
And she would agree.